Don Saleski

Don Saleski

My name is Don Saleski; I've been involved with BLOCS for over 15 years. I got involved with BLOCS through help from Mike O'Neil when he was looking to recruit board members. And eventually, I wound up being the chair of BLOCS for four years, which was all very rewarding.

We had a great time. From my perspective, and this is why I got involved with BLOCS, I look at the inner cities and the challenges they have in life. And I look at their lack of opportunity and the great need out there for these kids to break a cycle they're trapped in. Many of these kids are trapped in a cycle of poverty that they can't get out of without philanthropic help. And so I viewed it as our responsibility for us who have been gifted and have a lot. It's up to us to give back; once I got the word out, the contributions just started rolling in in fairly substantial donations; we need to give back to the communities and help these children because the kids that are going to Catholic school, our graduation rates close to 100%. The kids go on to higher education.

We allow them to break the cycle they're trapped in. And what's amazing about the kids is once they go on, and they go through college, or they go to vo tech, and then they go back to their communities. They change the lives of kids in their community, so they become respected leaders within their community. So by us philanthropically supporting, giving back to the community, and helping with education, we help change lives and communities. It's no pressure - please consider giving to Catholic schools, giving to kids that can help with their formation and better education, and help get them in a better place in life. That's what this is all about. It's no pressure, but people are inclined to give.

What we give helps kids to become more than they are today. So giving becomes greatness, and it happens in small ways. It's incremental; it's one step at a time. So we give a little, and we get back a lot. Giving becomes greatness in these kids that we support.

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sean trapani

Father of three. Lucky husband. Designer. Artisan. Storyteller. Co-Founder, Chief Creative Officer @ Cinch. Philadelphia, USA

Bill Streich